
The world has seen a significant transformation in recent years, increasing technology’s influence across all fields. It won’t be able to go back to your previous way of life. Everything in the modern world now hinges on how rapidly we adopt new technologies. Changes occur daily in the realm of technology. Applications development strategies are evolving.

The rapid development of technology allows opportunities to create a unique product that will meet all the needs of the target audience. The synergy of modern design and functionality allows presenting products of any complexity at a whole new level.

Furthermore, Vuco World offers spectacular business models and solutions in the fields of NFT and video series productions. We are currently proud to launch our new wave of movie production in the metaworld by developing our first-rate video series “The Portal.” It creates cutting-edge platforms to satisfy consumer entertainment needs. In addition, the business keeps an eye on news and trends, examines customer feedback on its goods, and makes decisions in the form of application updates.

The Portal is a modern thriller series about fallen angels and a new frontier of life, where power, resentment, and anger reign. Timing of one series – 30 minutes. Each episode of the mini-series has its own interesting culmination. In the first series of “The Portal”, the producer Malcom sells his soul and also exchanges it for money and fame. 

Every girl once dreamed of becoming a star – a singer, actress or face of a famous brand. Childhood is long gone, but dreams remain dreams. But why not bring them to life? It is known that even GREAT talent requires a LOT of hard work. At the same time, a person can learn about his abilities only by trying to use them. And it is a Movie Production Studio run by Malcom that has become a great influence for some people to come to the realization of their talents and unique skills.


The Portal is a modern thriller series about fallen angels and a new frontier of life, where power, resentment, and anger reign. Timing of one series 15 – 30 minutes. Each episode of the mini-series has its own interesting culmination. In the first series of “The Portal”, the producer Malcom sells his soul and also exchanges it for money and fame. 

Every girl once dreamed of becoming a star – a singer, actress or face of a famous brand. Childhood is long gone, but dreams remain dreams. But why not bring them to life? It is known that even GREAT talent requires a LOT of hard work. At the same time, a person can learn about his abilities only by trying to use them. And it is a Movie Production Studio run by Malcom that has become a great influence for some people to come to the realization of their talents and unique skills.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, signify a new, transparent, decentralized age of asset ownership. The assured exclusive ownership of NFTs is one of its primary distinguishing characteristics. An NFT is simply a unique token that cannot be copied or faked.

However, the NFT holders’ ability to use their assets is severely constrained by this exclusivity. This has motivated industry developers to push the limits of what NFTs are capable of, opening up possibilities for fractional ownership.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, signify a new, transparent, decentralized age of asset ownership. The assured exclusive ownership of NFTs is one of its primary distinguishing characteristics. An NFT is simply a unique token that cannot be copied or faked.

However, the NFT holders’ ability to use their assets is severely constrained by this exclusivity. This has motivated industry developers to push the limits of what NFTs are capable of, opening up possibilities for fractional ownership.

Marsa's Soul

Dualove #5750

Rarity: Epic

Carl's Soul

Evolver #1750

Rarity: Epic

Malcom's Soul

Ekequ #2167

Rarity: Rare

Colon's Soul

Bloom #3100

Rarity: Rare

Electro Banshee

Electro Banshee's Soul

Efumo #1666

Rarity: Uncommon

Selena's Soul

Dak #2204

Rarity: Uncommon

Haq #1781

Policeman Soul

Haq #1781

Rarity: Common

Susp #3647

Detective Kevin Soul

Susp #3647

Rarity: Common

Teh #6229

Anchorwoman Soul

Teh #6229

Rarity: Common

Ozeje #8391

Presenter Soul

Ozeje #8391

Rarity: Common

Iha #7297

Selena's Man Soul

Iha #7297

Rarity: Common

Fod #3182

Office Manager Soul

Fod #3182

Rarity: Common

Ociza #7689

May Soul

Ociza #7689

Rarity: Common

Axime #9945

Mary Soul

Axime #9945

Rarity: Common

Moz #4666

Dead Body Soul

Moz #4666

Rarity: Common

Leq #906

Doctor's Soul

Leq #906

Rarity: Common

Jeny #2386

Anchorman's Soul

Jeny #2386

Rarity: Common

Iha #7297

Bijad Soul

Gluny #8938

Rarity: Common

Vug #3399

Mr. Squiggle's Soul

Vug #3399

Rarity: Common

Ijotu #7153

Azazel's Soul

Ijotu #7153

Rarity: Common

Bov #9220

Forensic 1 Soul

Bov #9220

Rarity: Common

Hur #6490

Forensic 2 Soul

Hur #6490

Rarity: Common

Over 3,000 years ago, the ancient people of Goldfield realized that the eagle birds were from the heavens and had much to tell us about the handiwork of God. The Meta Eagles sight is so powerful that it can reportedly spot a rabbit half a mile away. These Meta Eagles soar by using thermals, or columns of rising warm air. Once the Meta Eagle locates a thermal, it spreads out its wings and circles around within the column of air, rising higher and higher. The Meta eagle does not depend on its own strength to soar and can glide long distances. Truly, there is much that we can learn from these Meta Eagle winged creatures. As you observe their behavior, they will always recall the Scriptural metaphors that speak to them. These eagles are the only creatures that abraxas can’t hurt as they are supernatural and from the havens.

Meta Eagle 11669

Meta Eagle 2302


Meta Eagle 2914

Meta Eagle 903


Meta Eagle 2421

Party bear #4124

Ufi #9219

Party bear #4124 Soul

UFI #9219

Rarity: Common

This polar bear ARKTOS is a Cool White Polar Bear who loves to dance and party. Arktos grew too be 2500 ponds and 12 feet tall. ARKTOS The polar bear is the largest and most powerful carnivore on land, it has no natural predators and knows no fear of humans or Abraxas, making it an extremely dangerous. Its only friends are The meta Eagles with whom the eagles give information to daily about what happens in GOLDFIELD CITY.

Lucky X Panthers frequently are usually friendly and outgoing – even in a high-stress, dealing evil town of goldfield. No matter the environment X Panthers are Companionable and Friendly towards people and other animals they are familiar with, all the characters living in Goldfield city. These special X Panthers cats also draw wealth and prosperity. Whenever they raise their paws, it is meant to draw good luck, wealth, and prosperity to whoever they may be next to. Often, they are white, but Lucky X Cats also come in black and many other colors. A black Lucky X Panther Cat not only brings luck but also frightens away demons, evil energy, and stalkers.



Omivi #3872

X PANTHER #3433 Soul

Omivi #3872

Rarity: Common

Icidi #6579


ICIDI #6579

Rarity: Common



Izoku #4634

Katatonik #1075 Soul

Izoku #4634

Rarity: Common

The Katatonik cat has five levels of consciousness, including normal, depressed, disoriented, stupor, and comatose at all times. Katatonik cats are exposed to strong stimuli, in Goldcity. Always fashionable This Katatonik Cool Cat is a superhero named “SuperPaw” who Saves people in distress in Goldfield City. Unfortunately, the only person he can’t stop is Abraxas. On the other hand, unlike most cats that fight with birds the Meta eagles are close to Superpaw who can always been seen fighting bad guys and bad spirits.

Katatonik #1075

Bull #3860

Ufi #9219

Bull #3860 Soul

Nak #7296

Rarity: Common

Udozu #6836


Udozu #6836

Rarity: Common



SOULS are living interactive works of art. The collection was designed by life long friends SiA and David OReilly to be a beautiful, calming, boundary pushing leap forward in the potential of web3. Each SOUL is born with its own individual personality, name, voice, color pattern, rarities and atmosphere. SOULS live together in the SOULS GALAXY where they can be used to create music voiced by SiA, and can also be displayed individually, downloaded as JPEGS, GLBS, GIFs, and used as real world Augmented Reality objects in IOS. SOULS enjoy love, kindness, openness and floating through space. 

A collection of 10,000 unique interactive art beings living on ethereum created by SiA and David OReilly. SOULS began as a series of simple colorful paintings that grew over time into an expansive collection of never before seen digital beings built with love and shaped between two friends. SOULS exist as virtual objects that can bounce, wiggle, dance, sleep, and even sing. Join the galaxy to see what we can create together!

Vuco World’s Portal has assigned a soul to each of its character acting in the portal and all the souls are being captive by Abraxas who is a devil himself. 

An NFT that has been divided into smaller fractions is known as a fractional NFT. This arrangement enables many parties to claim ownership of various portions of the same NFT. A smart contract that creates a certain number of tokens tied to the indivisible original fractionalizes the NFT.

These fractional tokens, which can be sold or aswapped on secondary marketplaces, provide each holder a portion of ownership in an NFT.

The concept of asset ownership in portions is not new. The idea has been successfully applied to a wide range of physical assets, including stock, designer items, and luxury assets like yachts and private planes, in industries ranging from real estate to fashion.

There are three core reasons why F-NFTs are needed

Some NFTs’ excessive costs may make them inaccessible to smaller investors. An costly NFT can be made more affordable and available to a wider group of investors by fractionalizing it. It’s also crucial to remember that as the price of an NFT rises, all of its fractions’ values climb accordingly. The worth of all the fractions will decrease as well if its value abruptly plummets, which happens frequently in the cryptocurrency market.

Fractionalized NFTs can offer price discovery techniques that establish the value of a certain NFT. Since the fractionalized ERC-20 tokens are traded publicly, their values may be used to estimate the cost of a tokenized item.

The primary distinguishing characteristic of NFTs is that they are unique tokens that cannot be duplicated or split. Due to their rarity, few rich investors have access to NFTs, especially those that are valued. Due to the ease with which ERC-20 tokens may be exchanged in secondary marketplaces, F-NFTs alleviate this lack of liquidity. Numerous investors could be more eager to snap up fractions of an NFT right away at a lower price than they would be to wait weeks or months for one NFT to sell, so addressing market liquidity difficulties.

Without a question, fractional NFTs are a wise investment. They are improving inclusiveness and participation in the burgeoning NFT market while also assisting in releasing liquidity for NFTs. They increase the NFT market’s new potential by democratizing, increasing liquidity, and establishing prices.

However, fractionalized NFTs are not risk-free since they experience the same problems that affect NFTs in general, including publicity rights, contracts, and intellectual property rights. F-NFTs are more likely to create concerns with financial authorities since their production might be considered as unlawful initial coin offerings, even though the selling and acquisition of full NFTs as digital collectibles may not pose issues with securities laws (ICOs).

This is the GENESIS collection of The Red Ape Family. The Red Ape Family is a comedy sitcom, and the first animated series starring, different famous NFTs.

Project => Company 

Creator => Founder

DAO => Management

Collector => Shareholder

NFTs => Shares

JPEG => Stock Certificate

Roadmap => 10K

Utility => Product

Community => Marketing 

Royalties => Revenue

Token => Dividend

Note: NFT is designed with the interests of the community in mind. The NFT exists because of the community.

The Portal Animation NFT

  • Episode 1 Launching
  • Succeeding Episode is TBA


Note: TBA Soon.

Ronnie Versace

VucoWorld Executive Team & NFT Holders

NFT Holders

Launch 301 Fractional NFT


Marketing, NFT Enthusiast, Collectors and more…



Number 1

Purchased + Create + Launch

We will be accepting reservations for our Purchase area in OPENSEA.

We will start the NFT Video Animation pre-production and launch it from the Episode Owner.

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